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Premenstrual Syndrome is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms a woman may experience before the onset of menstruation. The duration and intensity both vary depending on person to person.

Having a vata predominant diet and lifestyle can aggravate the symptoms although PMS can be triggered by imbalance of any of the three doshas.

  • The symptoms related to vata are anxiety, insomnia, headache, mood swings,interrupted flow.
  • The symptoms related to pitta are anger, irritability, excessive heat, poor complexion and cramps.
  • The symptoms related to kapha are depression, heaviness, lethargy and swelling.

These are a few tips that may prove to be useful.

  • Having a routine helps.
  • Take moderate quantities of meals at regular intervals. Don’t skip meals. Include lots of fruits and vegetables , and avoid spicy, fried food and caffeine. Take soups.
  • Keep yourself hydrated, drink lots of lukewarm water.
  • Stay warm and comfortable.
  • Use hot water bottle or hot, wet towel and apply heat to lower abdomen and lower back after applying mustard oil. Hot water bath also helps.
  • Take adequate rest and ensure a regular sleep pattern.
  • A regular walk of 15-20 minutes everyday goes a long way .
  • Yoga asanas like bhujanga asana and hala asana are very helpful in PMS.
  • Try meditating for at least five minutes everyday.
  • Take ajwain 5 gm with a small amount of salt ( or gur ) with warm water twice or thrice in a day.
  • Add 10 gm saunf to half a litre of boiling water and cover for five minutes to prepare diffusion. Sip this water frequently.
  • Or take 5 gm turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk.
  • Take Triphala powder 3gm every night to avoid constipation.
  • If you suffer from severe symptoms, taking Kumari asava or Ashokarishta 20 ml twice a day for three cycles is advisable.